Ron Blum, OD, DOS, became interested in Ocular Photo-Bio-Stimulation in 2023 when he learned of the shortage of Adderall in the United States and the millions of children and adults in need. Dr. Blum remembered previous literature research suggesting that it was possible to increase dopamine in the eye by way of using specific wavelengths of light. Upon revisiting the literature, he became amazed at the body of scientific research in the field of Ocular Photo-Bio-Stimulation. Shortly thereafter a decision was made to start NeuroRays™.

Ron Blum, OD, DOS, became interested in Optogenetics in 2023 when he learned of the shortage of Adderall in the United States and the millions of children and adults in need. Dr. Blum remembered previous literature research suggesting that it was possible to increase dopamine in the eye by way of using specific wavelengths of light. Upon revisiting the literature, he became amazed at the body of scientific research in the field of Ocular Photo-Bio-Stimulation. Shortly thereafter a decision was made to start NeuroRays™.
NeuroRays™ was founded with the hope of connecting dots between the well-established Ocular Photo-Bio-Stimulation research and commercial products benefiting society that can grow out of this research. Ocular Photo-Bio-Stimulation is the use of light to stimulate neurons for the purpose of generating a neurological response. Much of this scientific research is listed on the NeuroRays’ website page, “Scientific Support”.
Examples that show light stimulation of the retina of the eye (Ocular Photo-Bio-Stimulation) can provide a neurological response are: Bright light has been shown to slow the progression of myopia. Blue Light within the wavelength range of ~480nm +/- 30nm can stimulate the retinal rods and / or ganglion cells to increase dopamine production in the human eye’s retina and possibly dopamine and / or serotonin in the brain. Blue Light within the light wavelength range of ~480nm +/- 30nm has also been shown to slow axial elongation of the eye thus slowing or stopping myopia progression. Additionally, Blue Light within the wavelength range of ~480nm +/- 30nm has been shown to increase alertness and concentration. Green Light within the wavelength range of ~530nm+/- 20nm has been shown to reduce pain for migraines and neuropathic pain. Furthermore, it has been shown that red-Light wavelengths within the wavelength range of ~650nm +/- 30nm may be able to provide retinal repair by way of enhancing mitochondria health. ~650nm +/- 30nm may be effective in treating dry AMD, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, as well as other retinal disorders.

Using the NeuroRays™ non-invasive approach it is believed to be possible to minimize light exposure time, while maximizing the optogenetic effect, or equaling the light exposure time while increasing the effect. Additionally, by utilizing light to cause the generation of neurotransmitters, it is possible to bypass certain of the negative side effects of pharmaceuticals. The NeuroRays’ proprietary approach can be tuned for every light wavelength band desired. The technical approach can be used in association with one’s current eyewear, in place of one’s current eyewear, or used as a standalone therapy. Treatment time depends upon the condition being treated; however, it can be consistent with how one wears his or her eyewear daily, or for those who do not wear eyewear as little as minutes in the morning and in the afternoon.

Using the NeuroRays™ non-invasive approach it is believed to be possible to minimize light exposure time, while maximizing the optogenetic effect, or equaling the light exposure time while increasing the effect. Additionally, by utilizing light to cause the generation of neurotransmitters, it is possible to bypass certain of the negative side effects of pharmaceuticals. The NeuroRays’ proprietary approach can be tuned for every light wavelength band desired. The technical approach can be used in association with one’s current eyewear, in place of one’s current eyewear, or used as a standalone therapy. Treatment time depends upon the condition being treated; however, it can be consistent with how one wears his or her eyewear daily, or for those who do not wear eyewear as little as minutes in the morning and in the afternoon.